Sparkpool announces to divide its faulty transaction fee worth $2.5 M among minors

Sparkpool is one of the first and most respected Ethereum (ETH) mining pools which was launched in 2016. It is among the pools that have been lucky enough to add blocks with the faulty transactions to the Ethereum (ETH) main chain.
Last day to claim the transaction fee:
Sparkpool team has made an official announcement regarding the 2.5$ million transaction fee saying that they will distribute it between the Ethereum (ETH) miners who contributed to Block 10237208. But this circulation will be made seven days after this mysterious transaction fee i.e on June 17th at 15:30 (GMT+8). According to U. today, Sparkpool received this huge amount of $2.5 in exchange for a meager transaction fee of $133.
Sparkpool is very proud that this decision reflects their responsibility for both miners and the transaction sender. From now on, only a few hours are left for the sender to claim his money and contact the officers. The sender must provide a valid signature of the account transacted.
Bitfly also decides to distribute its $2.4M among miners:
Just yesterday, another company which is Austria-based, Bitfly development studio that operates the Ethermine mining pool decided to send $2.4M in fees to miners after a four-day pause. They expressed that many people came in to claim this huge amount, taking benefit of the situation but no one was able to provide the authentic signature of the sending account.
Bitfly representatives collaborated with media in an effort to spread awareness regarding the unclaimed transaction free. It thinks that this measure would prove highly beneficial in notifying the sender of the need to contact the miners within four days.
Moreover, a third abnormal transaction ($539,000 in fees for $751,545 transferred) has already been made and is under investigation.