Editorial Policy

Commitment to Quality Content

We endeavor to give quality content to our readers. The highly experienced staff behind Bitcoin News Today strives to give something new to the viewers. The main focus of media outlet on quality of crypto news and guides make it more striking and charming to crypto analysts and investors. Everyone, whether he is a CEO of a crypto startup or a new beginner in the crypto universe gets attracted to Bitcoin News Today due to its high-quality content.

Authenticity of News

The news from the time of selection to the publication passed through the strict scrutiny of our team of editors and authors. As a crypto media outlet, Bitcoin News Today puts a great emphasis on authenticity. Before publication, our editorial team checks the authenticity of news as fake news has no place on Bitcoin News Today.

Focus on Transparency

Bitcoin News Today wants a transparent relationship with readers or viewers as a relationship based on transparency lives longer. We have neither personal gain nor we promote personal agenda on our website. Every news or crypto guide on our website published only for educational purposes and for making our audience alert about the crypto community.

No Personal Investment

The site has not invested in any crypto startup or project and is restricted to publish any content based on personal interest. The writers are forbidden to add any personal touch of biases in news. Moreover, writers are not allowed to invest in any cryptocurrency so that they should not be biased while writing crypto content. Trading cryptocurrency is forbidden for the staff of the website.


The writers or journalists all over the world work for Bitcoin News Today. The views and opinions by writers of content news and articles are not representing the views and opinions of Bitcoin News Today. No writer is endorsed and has the freedom to write without any pressure. Everything is published for educational purposes and should not be taken as financial advice.

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